WARNING: Picture Heavy Post
Here’s an awesome game to play alone or with friends! Terraria was developed by Re-Logic, and it was first on the PC, but it is now also available on console, mobile, and other operating systems. It is a 2D, open-world, action-adventure game where you can explore, collect, build and fight.
I have been playing this game on the PC for a while now, but I am still a noob and not too far into the game. I mostly like to explore, collect and build, and I usually don’t go out of my way to fight bosses. The rest of this post will show you a little bit of what the game looks like and a few things you can expect to find in the game. Keep in mind that what I am showing is just a small part of Terraria. There are a ton of other things to do, collect, and see in the game.
At the start of a completely new game, you will start in the Forest Biome with a Copper Shortsword, a Sluggish Copper Pickaxe, a Quick Copper Axe, and a Guide who will wander around until you build a valid home. You will need to mine, cut, and kill for items.
To switch between items, use the hotkeys 1 to 0 on your keyboard. Pressing Escape will open your inventory and your crafting area. With your inventory open, move items to the numbered slots at the top row for quick access with the hotkeys.
Looking at the crafting area in photo to the left, you can make 3 normal torches with a gel and a piece of wood. Kill slimes for the gel and cut down trees for wood. You will want to make these as soon as you can because the game will go from day to night, and it will be pitch black.
Another tip is to build a house or a structure of some sort before it is night. What you see in the photo below, is not valid housing, but it will keep enemies out. Yes, my character is wearing a wedding dress and veil. They are vanity items, so they don’t give any stat boosts.
The image below is considered valid housing. The requirements for a home to be considered valid housing can be found here.
You can also test a structure to see if it is valid housing. With your inventory open, on the right side of the screen, click on the little house icon to get to the Housing menu. Click the “?”, and then click the house/room you would like to test. If the room/home is valid housing, you will see little flags with the image of who the room is assigned to.
My house is pretty boring right now, but I’ve seen some really cool houses. Just Google “awesome Terraria house”.

My house after adding a little more space.
Here are some of the different biomes in the game.

Forest Biome

Snow Biome

Corruption Biome

Desert Biome
Throughout the world, you can find prebuilt houses underground.
Some underground areas may even start inside a tree and lead underground.
You can also find chests and vases throughout the world. The chests and vases look different depending on the area.
If you have the ability to, you can even get onto trees.
When you are immersed under water, blue bubbles show how much more time you can spend under the water until it starts hurting you.
Find hearts, like in the images above and below, to raise your max health.
There is so much more to this game. This one post isn’t enough to show it all. Hopefully this sparked a little interest in you. I truly enjoy playing this game, and if you’re looking for a new game to play, try it out! If you already play it, what do you think? What are some cool items you’ve gotten?